Is he the chosen one?
In an era of decimal counting and power pumping, BMX has a young savior who's keeping the "Just Send It" attitude alive.
Nicknamed The Kid, Marshall Warner has been a favorite in the little dude classes of BMX, however watching the Hagerstown BMX local at the opening stops of the 2024 USA BMX National Series, this kid has launched himself to the top of our PULL BMX favorite riders list.

Normally, here on, we focus on the top teenage amateurs and pros of the sport; however, Marshall Warner is breaking that barrier. There are a few times through the timeline of BMX when a rider sets themselves apart from the pack. With hints of Josh Oie, Corben Sharrah, and Tyler Whitfield oozing out of his riding style, Warner is one of the smoothest riders across the entire series at only 11 years old.
Racing out of Hagerstown BMX and rocking the AllTow Wrecking Crew colors, you can tell Warner is truly having fun on his bike. While we exchange guilty glances with Warner's parents after he styles it out for the camera in his races, we love every moment of his laps. BMX is going to be better with him leading the next generation, and BMX lifers agree.
When asked about their favorite aspect of his riding, Trenton DuVall and Louis Kaminski had this to say:
Trenton DuVall: "He’s bringing back style while being fast, you can tell he actually enjoys riding his bike instead of just doing gate to first jump at practice. He reminds me of a young Corben, Kris Fox, and Steven Cesar."
Louis Kaminski: "It’s gotta be the maturity in his riding. He’s a kid, but he doesn’t ride a bike like one"

We have no doubt Warner will be on and in the magazine again, so take this as a prequel to his inevitable interview coming in the future. Stay rad, Marshall Warner.